~ BTS Studio Portrait ~
幕后 之 影棚人像
Hey everybody, it's your Braddah Li here. Today I'd share the behind-the-scenes of a spectacular studio portrait session I had back in spring. Wait, back in spring? Yup, it's already summer, buddy! Well, well, well... Anywho, the purpose of the post is twofold. Firstly, I wanna share with you the process involved in creating the studio portraits that speak your personality. And secondly, I want you to see how I take care of things and the details that may not seem to matter at first glance. All in all, I just want to make sure that you also get to enjoy the creative process. Life is short, why not have some fun, especially the self-entertaining kind of fun?
嘿,大家好,是我小李哥。今天呢我想和大家分享下在已然过去的春天里拍摄的一次让人无比嗨森的影棚人像。等等,什么过去的春天?诶,这不夏天了么,哥们!哎,怎么会这样... 算了,说正事。这篇文章的目的呢有两个。首先嘛,是想和大家分享一下我是如何创作出表达个性的影棚人像的。贰一个嘛,是希望你也能一起享受这种轻松创作的过程。人生苦短,何不及时行乐,特别是自娱自乐咧?
~ Consultation ~
Now that you've seen my portfolio and decided to contact me for more information, we'll need to discuss a couple of things. First of all, what type of studio portraits are you looking for? For what occasion are you planning to use them? What are you trying to express? Like the session I had in spring, the "client" wanted two different sets of photos. One set was a headshot for his profile in general. This one was to express his cheeky personality. And the other was a half-body shot that showcased how dashing he was.
看完我的 作品集 想要 联系我 了解更多相关信息,那这时候我们先得讨论下几件重要的事情。首先,就是你先要什么样的影棚人像?又是在哪些场合中会使用到这些人像呢?你想要表达什么呢?正如春天里的那个影棚人像体验,那位 “客人” 想要两组人像。一组是用于头图的头像特写,用来表达他俏皮的个性。另一组则是半身人像,突出他那自信的迷人魅力。
Having discussed about these details with him, I showed him the backdrop choices and asked him show me his outfit selections. I then suggested the matching backdrops according to his outfits. You may wonder how I select the backdrop colors for my clients. Color wheel is my best assistant. I choose complementary backdrop colors based on your outfit colors. If you're interested, feel free to read more on the topic of color theory. Now that he picked the outfits, I chose coffee backdrop for the set on the left and yellow for the right. And I'm going to share some more detail about the day of photoshoot next.
谈论完以上的细节以后,我为他展示了一些背景纸颜色的选择,也问他给我看了下他的服装选择。这样一来我就可以根据他的服装颜色来搭配背景颜色了。那你可能问我是如何为客人选择背景颜色的。色环 是我的最佳拍档。我会以互补色原则根据你的服装颜色来选择背景色。如果你感兴趣,可以阅读有关 色彩论 的这个话题。客人已经选好他的服装,我就决定用咖啡色背景搭配左边的那套,黄色搭配右边的。下一步就进入拍摄当天这个环节了。
Backdrop colors are available in coffee, red, orange, yellow, green, white, grey and black
These are the outfits that the "client" picked
~ Day of Photoshoot ~
I'm all about hospitality and as I have Guizhou origin, a photoshoot of course won't and can't start without a tiny glass of the famous Kweichow Moutai baijiu! Oh yea, you feel the burn? Hahaha, jokingly serious aside, unless you really really want to, otherwise we'll go with something more reasonable. I have tea, coffee, and wine. Your comfort at the studio is my priority.
待客,我自认有一套。再加上是贵州人,拍照之前又如何能少得了一杯贵州茅台白酒呢!欧耶,辣喉咙不? 哈哈哈,玩笑地开个认真,除非你真想喝,要不我们还是来点温和的吧。茶、咖啡还有红酒都行。在 我的工作室,就是要你感到舒适惬意。
In fact, before the "client's" arrival, I already prepared for the photoshoot and set up the flow for the session. For his shoot, we'll start with the headshot with the yellow backdrop and then the more dashing one after. In this post I'd like to focus on the headshot process. Instead of lighting the whole backdrop with the key light from the front, I opted for a flash from right behind his head, which created the "halo" effect that made his face pop and further separated him from the backdrop.
Flash with light modification for more control
Key light with grid also offers more control and less spill
With a cup of tea, we chatted and went through the flow of the session, the "client" felt much more at ease and ready to roll. Checking with him often made me feel more in control and more confident in creating convincing results we both loved. Some clients are shyer and not that expressive, so going this simple extra mile is crucial in making a successful session. After a couple rounds of tryouts and adjustments, I showed him the results immediately. He seemed happy with most of them. But we both knew which one stood out the most.
The "client" was already in a good mood. Must be the baijiu, see!
The "halo" effect was perfected after some testings
"光环" 效果在几次试灯后逐渐完善
Happy client, happy photographer! Or is it the other way around?
~ Photo Reveal ~
After he picked his favorites from the session, the next step involved with editing. There were two separate steps. I first started with some simple editing and color adjustments for the "client's" proofing. After confirming with him, then I went ahead and did the detail adjustments, typically removing some non-permanent marks, like mosquito bites or pimples. After that, skin retouching was the last step before showing him the results via a password-protected download link. See below for the before-and-afters.
Headshot Before Editing
Headshot After Editing
Half-Body Portrait Before Editing
Half-Body Portrait After Editing
Now you've seen the most quintessential process involved in creating a portrait session at my studio. The real magic is not the lighting technique, or the equipment, or the editing process. You're the magic and let's get some nice portraits of ya! After we're all freed, of course... Talking about which, have you gotten your test results yet?
好,这就是在我工作室里拍摄影棚人像比较经典的创作过程了。讲真,要想拍出好人像,灯光技术、器材或是修图技巧都不是主角。你才是主角,来,人像整起!当然是在解封后咯... 诶,问下,你核酸结果出来了么?
If you’re interested in hiring me for photo service or getting it for someone special as a gift, let me know by hitting the button below. I’d love to hear more from you!