~ Battle 2020 战疫 2020 ~
Peach Blossom. - Guanshanhu Park, Guiyang
桃花一景。- 贵阳观山湖公园
This Chinese New Year is probably going to be remembered by many for a long time, in China and around the world. Many have witnessed and experienced both the better and the worse sides of humanity as a result of the epidemic. The fact that it happened so fast and things got serious so quickly gave us time to react and respond properly. To the ones who’re bravely fighting on the front line, I salute them and wish their return in triumph is coming soon. To many of us, staying home quarantined becomes our new daily life and hoping to get back to that normal life before the outbreak becomes our new new year wish.
Unknown flower blossom. - Guanshanhu Park, Guiyang
无名花一景。- 贵阳观山湖公园
In the past couple of weeks, besides spending time with my parents in Guiyang, my hometown, I’ve also been editing photos that were taken on the trips to different places in Guizhou before the epidemic. Since I came back to China about 5 years ago, every Chinese New Year I‘ve been going back to my hometown for just a little bit more than a week. You’d be like, "wow, that’s too short, no?"
在过去的几个星期里,除了在老家贵阳陪伴父母之外,我还不停地修了许多图。这都是在疫情之前贵州省内不同地方旅游所拍摄的照片。自我 5 年多以前回国到现在,每年春节回家我都只待上个把星期就回上海了。你心里肯定在说:“哇塞,肿么待辣么短?”
Timely snow for a year in prosperity. - Metro station in Guanshanhu District, Guiyang
瑞雪兆丰年。- 贵阳观山湖区地铁站
Heavy powder. - Guanshanhu District, Guiyang
厚厚的一层。- 贵阳观山湖区
~ I Don't Like Dry Swimming 我不爱游干水 ~
An automatic mahjong table on the leash. - Near Wenchangge Pavilion, Guiyang
遛麻。- 贵阳文昌阁附近
Many of my close friends know the reasons why. Because I know I’ve been complaining to them too many times. The most important reason is that I hate our “national sports” – mahjong. Nothing wrong with the game itself. I know how to play and it’s both fun and challenging at the same time. However, the typical marathon-style of binge playing at the mahjong table and the lack of physical exercise frustrate me the most. Unfortunately, it’s the go-to entertainment as well as a family bonding activity for our family. And the last time I checked, it’s not just my family. Most of the time when I visit grandma’s house, once I step out of the elevator, I can already hear the noise coming from tiles being shuffled. Worst of all, the heavy smoke from the cigarette around the “arena” is just not helping. What a healthy sports!
许多好朋友都知道原因,毕竟不是我第一次跟他们抱怨了。最最主要的原因就是我对麻将 – 这一“国民运动”真的是不喜欢。麻将本身作为休闲娱乐来说,一点问题都没有。我也会打啊,既好玩又有挑战性。但是,是马拉松式没完没了长时间地坐在麻将台旁,还有缺乏肢体的活动让我对它感到厌烦。不幸的是,好像除此之外没有别的什么适合家庭成员一起参与的娱乐方式了。而且据我所知,不仅仅只是我们一家是这样。几乎每次去奶奶家,刚出电梯门我就能听到那哗啦啦搓麻将的声音。让我更厌恶的是环绕在“运动场”边那妖娆的二手烟。这运动真心“健康”!
Whipping spinning top - a much healthier choice. - Qianlingshan Park, Guiyang
掺gie螺 (打陀螺)- 更为健康的选择。- 贵阳黔灵山公园
Water calligraphy - another much healthier choice. - Qianlingshan Park, Guiyang
地书 - 另一个更为健康的选择。- 贵阳黔灵山公园
I remember once, with all the family members, we drove hours to the Baihuahu Lake, a fantastic scenic place. Finally, a miracle! I thought to myself. Yea, right… They ended up checking into a villa with mahjong tables on both floors! It’s funny but it makes sense that in Cantonese mahjong is called “游干水 - dry swimming”, There’s no water, but your arms are “paddling”, in the tiles of course.
我还记得又一次我们一大家子人开了几个小时的车去百花湖,一个有山有水的地方玩。哎哟哟,终于有不同的家庭活动了!我还暗自欢喜。嗯,好吧,其实只是换了个地方“运动”而已… 我们到了目的地那边的一个小别墅里,上下两层都有自动麻将机!广东话里把打麻将叫“游干水”,好笑但很贴切。当然没有水,只有双臂在麻将牌中不停划动。
~ Journey Back 返程 ~
Spacious. - Guiyang North Station
旷。- 贵阳北站
View from my journey back to Shanghai via high speed rail.
View from my journey back to Shanghai via high speed rail.
Instead of making the “sports” change, since two years ago I've already made some changes on my end. Not wanting to be again the mahjong spectator and second-hand smoker, I brought my cameras with me. Whenever they’re dry swimming, I’d walk out and do my own thing. This CNY I went home early from the beginning of December to the beginning of February. I took a lot of photos and I wanted to shoot more. But because of the epidemic, next time. Now back in Shanghai, I already stayed home-quarantined for 14 days voluntarily. During that time, I wanted to go out and document the situation. But before I can do so, I’d rather stay put and healthy. With plenty time to edit and write, let me share with you what I captured in Guizhou. By sharing my experience and the photos of my hometown, I’d like to extend my invitation to you all - when things get better, let’s go explore Guizhou together!
江山易改,麻将难移。早在两年前,我改变了应对策略。为避免吸二手烟被动观战,我带上了相机。每当游干水,出门拍照去。今年的春节我回家比较早,在腊月初我就回去了,一直到贰月初我才回的上海。还想拍但是下次吧。到了上海自愿健康隔离了 14 天,当然想出去拍照记录。但为了自己和他人着想,还是闷了闷。好了,闲话说了不少。希望通过分享图片和我的感受,在疫情过后,你能应邀与我到多彩的贵州去看看!
Balcony view. - Shanghai home.
阳台一景。- 上海的家
~ Guiyang, Rediscovering My Root 寻根筑城 ~
Street view. - City center, Guiyang
街头一景。- 贵阳市中心
To many people, even some Chinese, Guizhou sounds unfamiliar. For those who’ve heard about the province, the best and the closest reference they can share is probably either Maotai the baijiu or Huangguoshu Waterfall. Other times, it’s regarded as one of the poorer provinces in China. But things have changed since the improvements of infrastructure, especially the highways. By the end of 2015, all 88 counties in Guizhou were already highway connected. This makes the province the first one to achieve so in western part of China. When compared to the top performing provinces in economy, yea sure, Guizhou isn’t doing that well. However, if you’ve visited the place before, you know that it’s so rich in its culture and so diverse in its ethnicity. I’m going to show you that later, but now let’s take selfie first. Kidding!
对于许多人来讲,包括一些国人,对贵州的印象还是比较陌生的。听说过的人能即刻联想到的或许是茅台,又或是黄果树瀑布。如果还有其它的可能那就是贵州是中国最穷的省份之一。但在基础设施建设,特别是高速公路的建设,一步步完善的推动下,贵州的发展前景可以说得上黔途无量。早在 2015 年全省 88 个县已达到县县通高速的水平,这还是中国西部屈指可数的。如果要和名列前茅的几个省份和地区比经济,是的,贵州并不怎样。但是如果你去过贵州你就知道那里的文化多彩、民族多样!稍后我会一一介绍,来,我们先自拍一张再说。开玩笑啦!
- Guanshanhu Park, Guiyang
- 贵阳观山湖公园
- Shilihetan National City Wetland Park, Huaxi, Guiyang
- 贵阳花溪十里河滩国家城市湿地公园
- Shilihetan National City Wetland Park, Huaxi, Guiyang
- 贵阳花溪十里河滩国家城市湿地公园
Dong Ethnic Fengyu Bridge. - Xiaochehe City Wetland Park, Guiyang
侗族风雨桥。- 贵阳小车河城市湿地公园
Dong Ethnic Drum Pavilion. - Xiaochehe City Wetland Park, Guiyang
侗族鼓楼。- 贵阳小车河城市湿地公园
- Aha Lake National Wetland Park, Guiyang
- 贵阳阿哈湖国家湿地公园
Jiaxiu Pavilion - Nanming River, Guiyang
甲秀楼。- 贵阳南明河
Night bustle. - City center, Guiyang
繁忙夜景。- 贵阳市中心
Night bustle. - City center, Guiyang
繁忙夜景。- 贵阳市中心
~ A Legend & His Dream 传奇与梦 ~
Mom & dad cruising. - Guiyang
两位老司机游车河。- 贵阳
Legend has it that in the 80’s of the last century, there’s a smart boy born to the Li family in Guiyang, Guizhou. Later that little boy was all grown up and now he's writing this piece. :p I don’t remember a lot of things about my childhood there so I really wanted to relive the childhood life. Then, I decided to visit places where I spent most of my childhood. And you know, I still remember this dream I had a bit while ago. In the dream, it's in the evening. But I could see some orangey light painted on the façade of some residential buildings in front of me. I was looking down at some stairs going downwards leading towards a courtyard. And on the right-hand side of the courtyard, there’s a slope going down. I don’t remember what happened there in the dream or what conversation I had with anybody. But I remember this dream particularly well, because this place feels familiar yet I don't know where it could be. Guess what, it turns out that it’s our first apartment compound where I spent about a year and half as a little kid. Aha! It’s funny how your brain remembers it subconsciously but you just can't recall. If I didn’t go there and see it myself this time, I’m afraid that this place would forever exist in my dream.
传说在上个世纪 80 年代,有一个聪慧的小男孩降生在贵州贵阳一户姓李的人家。后来小男孩长大了,也就是他现在在写这篇分享文。:p 小时候的事情我大多都记不太清了,但我很想重温一下童年的经历。所以这次回家我决定走访走访小时候长大的一些根据地。说到这里,好几年前做的一个梦我始终都还记得。梦里是晚上,橘黄色的路灯照亮着眼前一排的住家户。顺着我的脚下望去,前面是一坎坎向下的楼梯,楼梯的下面是一个小坝坝,小坝坝的右手边是一个小坡坡。梦里发生了什么,我和谁有着什么样的对话,我都不太记得了。但我记得有这样一个梦,而且梦里的这个地方感觉很熟悉。但这是到底哪儿呢?我总在想。结果,这个地方是我很小的时候与父母搬进住的第一个家。神奇啊!任凭我怎么回忆都想不起来的地方,在潜意识里却藏着这个地方那么久。要不是这回实地去走一遭,恐怕这个地方就永远只能在梦里存在了。
We lived on the 5th Floor. The apartment on the top right is our first apartment. - Metallurgy Courtyard, Tuanpo Bridge, Guiyang
我们第一个家的楼外表,当时住 5 楼图中右手边那间。- 贵阳团坡桥冶金厅大院
Entrance of our first apartment. - Metallurgy Courtyard, Tuanpo Bridge, Guiyang
我们第一个家的楼入口。- 贵阳团坡桥冶金厅大院
The slope I mentioned in the dream, leading towards the entrance of our first apartment. - Metallurgy Courtyard, Tuanpo Bridge, Guiyang
梦里的小坡坡,走上去就到我们第一个家楼下了。- 贵阳团坡桥冶金厅大院
Dad used to work at this office. It was only about 15 mins walk from our first apartment. - Guizhou Department of Metallurgy, Guiyang
老司机以前工作的地方离我们的第一个家只有 15 分钟脚程。- 贵阳贵州冶金厅
~ My Base 我的根据地 ~
- Tianchi Pond, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
- 贵阳贵州工学院天池
Now, let’s talk about the things that I do remember when I was little. During my childhood in Guiyang, the more memorable moments are definitely from Gongxueyuan, the Guizhou Institute of Technology (later the Guizhou University of Technology and in 2004 merged with the Guizhou University). Why an institute? You may ask. Long story short, as a military man, my maternal grandpa was assigned to help build the Institute, so he brought his family along in the late 1950’s and stayed there since. Fast forward 30 years, even though mom has already moved out from the Institute to the new apartment in the city when she got married, and later both my parents and I move to Zhuhai, Guangdong, her elder sister, brother and all her childhood friends still lived around the Institute. Whenever there were school breaks, she’d bring me back to visit. Back then, things were simple and pure. But now, I can definitely say that things are quite different, or rather, disappointing. Perhaps only memories are the best?
好了,现在来讲讲小时候还记得的事情吧。童年记忆比较深刻还是要数在贵州工学院(之后为贵州工业大学, 2004 年与贵州大学合并)度过的那段时光。不会吧,童年的记忆怎会是在学院里?你可能不解。长话短说,我姥爷是部队里的军人,在上个世纪 50 年代末为了支援西南建设被派遣到贵阳负责协助修建工学院。当时他也把家人带到了贵阳。时光荏苒,大概 30 年后母亲结婚,已经搬到了市里的去住,之后我又随父母从贵阳移居广东珠海。但大姨、舅舅还有母亲的发小都还住在工学院。所以每当寒暑假,我都跟母亲回去那边度过。在我记忆当中,以前的生活简单纯朴。而现在,工学院让我们,特别是让母亲很是失望。或许唯有回忆才是最完美的?
I stayed in the building on the left (originally 2 floors only, additional floors were added later) with my auntie during school breaks. Obviously, these many cars weren't there before. - 7 Buildings, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
暑假我常在图中最左边的这栋楼里和大姨一家住(后期加盖,原为两层)。以前肯定是没有这么多车的。- 贵阳贵州工学院七栋
Entrance of my auntie's home (her family moved out to city center later), 7 Buildings, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
大姨家入口(她们一家后已搬到市里)。- 贵阳贵州工学院七栋
Across from the coumpound entrance was filled with random vegetables & fruits vendors. Messy... It's not at all what it looked like before. - 7 Buildings, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
七栋入口前面乱七八糟卖菜卖水果的小摊小贩。真乱... 以前根本不是这个样子的。- 贵阳贵州工学院七栋
I also learnt how to swim here. My uncle taught us all how, by just throwing us into the creek and let our instinct work its magic. Lol, I survived and could swim now! - Yahe Creek, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
在这里我学会了游泳。是我姨爹教的,就是把我们甩入河中的这种最简单但最激发本能的方式教会了我们。哈,我还活着证明我学会了!- 贵阳贵州工学院雅河
- Yahe Creek, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
- 贵阳贵州工学院雅河
This was the spot my cousin and I would sneakily dip in before going to the swimming pool. So that when we get to the ticketing at the pool, we could claim that we've already paid and just came out from the pool a moment ago. Ticket evaders alert! - Near by Yahe Creek, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
这里就是我和表哥悄悄打湿身上的地方。淘气的我们在这里打湿身子后就直接到游泳池告诉门口售票的员工我们刚出来,已经交过钱了。成功逃票!- 贵阳贵州工学院雅河畔
Looking at this view, my heart just sank... - Old Swimming Pool, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
看到已然破败的游泳池,我的心不禁沉了下去... - 贵阳贵州工学院老游泳池
So much of my childhood was spent here with all my cousins. Old Swimming Pool, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
Sometime we came here also to take a dip. But couldn't find the spot with a hole anymore. That's the place where we could sit in the current and enjoy a current massage. - Xiaolongtan, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
我们也常来这里游泳。但找不到原来有个水坑的地方了。在那我们经常可以享受到水流马杀鸡。- 贵阳贵州工学院小龙滩
I remembered this road being long and steep. But it doesn't look it anymore. Is it me or perhaps it changed? - Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
我记得这条坡坡很长很陡。现在却不怎么觉得了。是它还是我变了吗?- 贵阳贵州工学院
Here used to be the basketball court, where sometimes movies on a huge screen were shown. You know the kind that you could watch movies from both sides of the screen. - Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
这里以前原本是篮球场,时不时会放电影,大银幕正反两面都能看的那种。- 贵阳贵州工学院
This road leads to the elementary school I went to for a year and half. - Changpo Road, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
这条路一直走就到我还上过一年半学的子弟小学。- 贵阳贵州工学院长坡路
The elementary school isn't recognizable anymore. - Changpo Road, Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
子弟小学也变得无法辨认了。- 贵阳贵州工学院长坡路
It's the same road, but the people are gone. I understand now why mom didn't want to come with us to visit, but she did at the end. She didn't show her emotions, but I know her feelings were heavy. After all, she spent 30 years here since she's a toddler. - Gongxueyuan, Guiyang
伤心莫过物是人非?我知道母亲为什么一直推托不想与我们一起寻根。但最后她还是决定来了。她没有表现出悲伤,但我知道她心里很沉重。毕竟,她从小到大一直在这里生活了 30 年。- 贵阳贵州工学院
~ Childhood Joy 童趣 ~
Welcome to childhood joy! - Hebin Park, Guiyang
欢迎光临童趣!- 贵阳河滨公园
Filled with happy laughter and refreshing breeze, the Hebing (Riverside) Park was our go-to place for entertainment during our summer breaks. There’s even this big swimming pool where we could spend the whole day. 20 something years later, I of course wanted to take another a look. But because of the construction for a recycled water facility, I couldn’t get near. A pity! When the construction is done, I just hope that the swimming pool is still there for the kids to play!
The simple ferris wheel was exciting back then! - Hebin Park, Guiyang
简单的摩天轮也能让我兴奋半天!- 贵阳河滨公园
Lot's of the rides are no longer in operation. Only few are still working. Where are the good old days with all the kids waiting in line? - Hebin Park, Guiyang
好多项目都已经关闭了。开着的也没有多少。以前那种孩子们排队等的状况一去不返了吗?- 贵阳河滨公园
Good old bumper cars. - Hebin Park, Guiyang
碰碰车老了 - 贵阳河滨公园
Road to swimming pool was closed. Next time! - Hebin Park, Guiyang
到游泳池的路被封了。下次吧!- 贵阳河滨公园
~ To Be Continued 未完待续 ~
These are only part of what I captured in Guizhou. I wanted to get the heavy stuff out of the way first. It's kind of depressing to review these pictures again. But hey, I'm glad I did it because maybe next time I visit these places again, they might not be there anymore. Who knows, right?
Now you want to see more what Guizhou is all about? Stay tuned and I'll share more in the upcoming articles!