~ The Preparation 准备工作 ~
Two weekends ago, I attended to the 7th Shalanaya on Changxing Island. I was debating if I should write about my experience as I’m gradually getting into the hibernation mode. Two weeks later, I still feel the vibe, so here I am sharing with you my story.
两周前我参加了在长兴岛上举办的第 7 届 Shalanaya 音乐节。已然进入冬眠状态的我还在想是不是要写一写自己的感想。到今天已经是音乐节结束的第2周了,我依然能够感觉到当时的气氛。所以现在就写写我的体会吧。
This was in fact my first time camping and attending a music festival from the start to the end. After signing up, I got very exited about the festival and had begun preparing for it even 3 weeks prior. I was reading all about the festival and searching online on what one should prep for camping. As excited as I was, I actually didn’t imagine much what the festival could be and what would happen there. I just didn’t have much expectation simply because I hadn’t been to one before and really didn’t know what to expect!
其实这是我第一次露营,也是我第一次从头到尾参加一个音乐节。在报名参加后,音乐节开始的 3 周前,我已立即开始了准备工作。从网上阅读所有和音乐节相关的资料,到查找露营必带的装备,我都一一细读了一遍。兴奋归兴奋,这个音乐节有可能会是怎样,将会发生些什么,其实我没有想太多。没有太多的期望是因为我从来都没参加过,所以不知道应该有些什么样的期望!
That’s probably the best. One won’t be disappointed as there’s not much of an expectation to begin with. And I certainly wasn’t disappointed at all! In fact, I was embraced by the joyful and energetic vibe there shared by the fellow attendees.
~ Safe Arrival 安全抵达 ~
I arrived the Friday evening. From where I live to the venue, Qianxiaoji Creative Farm (an actual orange farm), it took me about 2 hours to get there. Not too bad! With just one 55L backpack, which I bought from more than 15 years ago, after 45 mins metro, 30 mins bus and 20 mins walk, I finally reached the destination. It got dark earlier and earlier around this time of the year, so I went straight ahead to set my tent up right away.
我是周五晚上到的。从我家到音乐节场地,前小桔创意农场,大概 2 个小时,还好吧!我就带了个 15 年前买的 55 升徒步背包。在 45 分钟的地铁,30 分钟的巴士,还有 20 多分钟的步行后终于抵达音乐节现场。每年这个时候日落都很早,所以我第一件事就是支帐篷了。
First meal was home style dinner with lots of veggie, very nice! After dinner I strolled around and checked what’s up in the proximity. But because it’s getting dark and I was already tired, I decided to have a “good night sleep!” Ha, I was naive...
第一餐的晚餐是家常菜,超多蔬菜,好棒!晚餐后散步,到处走走看看有什么新鲜事。夜色降临,我也累了,“好好睡一觉吧!” 哎,我天真啊...
~ A "Good" Sleep 睡个 “好” 觉 ~
Although the Main stage had stopped playing dutsu dutsu dutsu dutsu at around 135 bpm, the Chillout stage however wasn’t that chill in my opinion. I could still feel the vibration through the ground and went passed the air mattress into my ears. “Ehh... did I made a mistake coming to the festival?” I wondered.
尽管 Main(主)舞台 已经把每分钟 135 下的嘟次嘟次嘟次嘟次停了下来,Chillout (放松)舞台那边却没有想象中的那样 chillout。震动还是能从地面通过充气垫传入耳中。“啧... 我是不是不该来的啊?” 我暗想。
~ A Full 2nd Day 充实的第二天 ~
Without much sleep, it’s already 7:00 in the morning with more and more sunray spreading around the lawn. The more I slept, the more I felt like being roasted in the tent. Coming out of the tent, the air is crisp and fresh. Already there were more and more people hanging around the Main stage and more and more folks arriving at the festival. Seemed like we’re gonna have a blast!
没怎么睡着,已经到了早上 7 点多。帐篷外面温暖的阳光撒满了整个草坪。越想多睡一会,就觉的越热,在帐篷里犹如汗蒸一般。一出帐篷,即刻就能感受到清新舒爽的空气。外面已经有不少人聚集在 Main 舞台周围,也有许多参与者陆陆续续地抵达场地。看起来今天会很 high 哦!
For breakfast, I needed my coffee and it turned out that I was right to pack my own coffee grounds and filter, yum! The rest of the day? See it for yourselves!
~ “Surprise!” ~
What a day! I thought to myself. It was packed with different interactive activities and beer’s just around the corner. I had nothing to complain at all! Well, unfortunately, “uncles” came around 22:00 and forced the festival to be shut down. Everyone was told to leave before 6:00 the next day! WHAT?!?!
我还在想这一天可过的真实在啊!既有不同的互动活动,又有美味啤酒助阵,爽!可是啊,不幸的事情就发生了... 当晚 22:00 左右 “叔叔们” 来到现场告知我们必须停止活动。所有参与者还必须在明早6:00前离开音乐节场地!哈?!?!
Though with disbeliefs and disappointments, most of the attendees were chilled about the news and continued riding the chill vibes throughout the night, the last night. Witnessing how stressful and emotional the organizers became, everyone gave them hugs and rounds of applause to appreciate their effort and hard work for making the event happen and for negotiating successfully not to make us leave the night of! It could’ve been a nightmare if everyone was to pack up and leave during the middle of the night!
~ See You Again, Shalanaya! 回见,夏来纳亚!~
The next early morning, I woke up around 4:00 to pack and got ready to leave. Looking around, there’s the mist around the campground and I started thinking to myself if I’d come back again. The answer? For the connections I made and the loving vibe I received, it’s a definitely yes!
第三天早上,我凌晨 4:00 就起来收拾行装准备回家了。看看帐篷周围,晨雾萌萌犹如仙境。我在想下一届还参不参加。你问答案?就为我能认识到的新朋友还有充满愉悦与爱的氛围,答案当然是肯定的啦!
Special thanks to the organizers for letting me capture the moments! Wish you guys the very best and see you all at the next Shalanaya!
特别感谢组织者让我捕捉到音乐节的点滴瞬间!真心祝福你们,我们下届 Shalanaya 见!