Craftsmen & Crafts 匠与艺 – Zovi

“Craftsmen and Crafts” is a photography series capturing what other creatives are doing with their lives. My main focuses are trying to understand why they do what they do and to showcase their inspirations through a documentary way of storytelling. Please welcome my first guest, Zovi!

“匠与艺” 是一个记录创作人日常生活的一个个人作品的摄影系列。主要目的是想通过记录式的摄影手法讲述这些创作人们为何追求他们想要追求的,以及他们的灵感来自哪里的。来,请大家欢迎我的第一位客人,Zovi!

Orange farm with bee landing

My First Camping + Music Festival | 我第一次露营 + 音乐节

Two weekends ago, I attended to the 7th Shalanaya on Changxing Island. Two weeks later, I still feel the vibe, so here I am sharing with you my story. 两周前我参加了在长兴岛上举办的第 7 届 Shalanaya 音乐节。到今天已经是音乐节结束的第2周了,我依然能够感觉到当时的气氛。所以现在就写写我的体会吧。